Indoor Air Monitoring Services - DELETE



    U.S. Customs
    At the U.S. Customs Services Department, employees were concerned about elevated carbon monoxide, lead and hydrocarbon levels at an international border crossing facility in Detroit. OEHS conducted an Indoor Air Quality Audit. As a result, employees benefited from a new facility with improved ventilation system.          




    Home Air Quality Inspections
    OEHS has conducted several thousand indoor air quality investigations for homes.
     This includes inspections for fungal and bacterial infestation as well as inadequate ventilation, and inappropriate IAQ parameters such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, temperature, and humidity. Fungal abatement protocols were developed, and post abatement verification monitoring conducted.


    Partner with OEHS for Indoor Air Quality Air Monitoring Services  

    Prevent costly fines and preserve your employees' health and safety: ask OEHS to conduct an air monitoring audit in your facility. Contact us to get started.

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