Lead Assessments

Lead-Based Projects

The OEHS, Inc. technical team has performed lead-based paint projects in single-family dwellings, large multi-family housing complexes, school buildings, and commercial facilities. Team members are licensed, trained, and experienced.

We employ a team of AIHA-accredited laboratories using testing methods outlined by HUD guidelines and state laws, including air monitoring, analysis of paint chips, wipe samples, and TCLP analysis.

Following HUD Guidelines, our IDPH-licensed lead-based paint Inspectors perform detailed site investigations to locate and test for the presence of lead-based paint.

Contact OEHS to Inquire About  Lead Assessments 


Our Lead-Based Paint Consulting Services include:

  • XRF Inspections and Risk Assessments
  • Abatement and Mitigation Design
  • On-Site Project Management and Air Monitoring
  • Clearance Dust Wipe Sampling
  • Waste Disposal Consultation

Additional Lead Assessent Services

XRF Inspections and Risk Assessments

At OEHS, Inc., we offer economical and reliable lead-based paint inspections using a state-of-the-art portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer. The XRF quickly and accurately measures lead concentrations in painted and coated surfaces without damage to surfaces. Immediate on-site data allows OEHS to complete expedited reports.

Licensed Risk Assessors locate hazards created by lead-based paint. Analysis of settled dust, and soil is included in a standard Risk Assessment.

Abatement and Mitigation Design

Design planning and specifications are developed for the removal of paint, mitigation of hazards, and encapsulation. We will prioritize areas needing abated or mitigated, developing project drawings and bid documents for contractor selection, establishing a project schedule, and recommending practical alternative solutions. We will ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, as well as the requirements of project specifications.

OEHS, Inc. provides comprehensive lead-based paint services including:

  • design planning and specifications for lead abatement or mitigation
  • assistance in prioritizing the lead based paint to be abated
  • development of project drawings and bid documents for contractor selection
  • recommendations for practical alternative solutions.

On-Site Project Management and Air Monitoring

During an on-site abatement or mitigation, OEHS, Inc.’s experienced site technicians monitor abatement activities using personnel monitoring. We also oversee compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and ensure the requirements of project specifications are followed.

After completion of an abatement or remediation project, OEHS, Inc. prepares a comprehensive record of the project, including medical monitoring and training records of contractor's employees, records of air and wipe sample analysis, waste disposal manifests, status of remaining lead, and recommendations to prevent future contamination.

Clearance Dust Wipe Sampling

 Clearance examinations are required under certain subparts of the HUD regulations and Federal EPA. Elements of clearance examinations include a visual assessment, dust sampling, submission of samples for analysis for lead, interpretation of sampling results, and report preparation. All clearance examinations are performed by IDPH-licensed Risk Assessors or Lead Inspectors.

Waste Disposal Consultation

Waste disposal consultation is offered to advise clients of alternative disposal methods and measures which may reduce the volume of lead being disposed of as hazardous waste.

Partner with OEHS for Lead Assessment  

Prevent costly fines and preserve your employees' health and safety: ask OEHS to conduct a lead assessment in your facility. Contact us to get started.

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