Water Quality Testing

Water Quality Testing

Water Testing Services for Businesses

OEHS provides services to test your facility's water for bacteria. We have expertise in natural and man-made systems, such as cooling towers, water heaters, holding tanks, and more. 

Why do I need to get my business's water tested? 

The federal government's mandate for safe drinking water quality requires public buildings comply with baseline testing of drinking water and follow best practices to identify and address potential issues at federally owner and leased facilities.

In addition, it is recommended that privately owned commercial buildings be tested for Legionella and total coliforms.

We specialize in identifying disease-causing pathogens that can affect the health of your workers. Our experts can perform this testing to assess the presence of lead, copper, and bacteria, including total coliforms (E. coli) and Legionella.

GSA requirements indicate that preference must be given to qualified professionals that hold either an ASSE 12080 certification, a certified industrial hygienist (CIH) designation, or a health and safety professional working under the supervision of a CIH.

Do I need to test my home's water to ensure it's safe?

Homes businesses may have internal plumbing materials containing lead or other chemicals. Since you cannot see, taste, or smell lead dissolved in water, testing is the only sure way of telling whether there are harmful quantities of lead in your drinking water.

OEHS has experience in the identification and testing of water systems for the above bacteria and chemicals elements. Keep your systems well-maintained with audits and remediation plans, provided by OEHS.

Contact OEHS to Discuss Your Water Testing Needs


Partner with OEHS for Water Testing Services  

Prevent costly repairs, fines and preserve your employees' health and safety: ask OEHS to test the water in your facility. Contact us to get started

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